Case Study – Rapid reduction in test cycle times Veeva Safety Docs

Case Study – Rapid reduction in test cycle times Veeva Safety Docs

Client: Leading Pharmaceuticals, California, USA

ChallengesOur SolutionValue Delivered
1. Frequent Release Testing: 3-5 customer/Veeva releases annually

2. Lengthy Validation Cycles leading to delayed product deployment

3. High resource costs and need for year round coverage support

4. Tool Maintenance: Managing upkeep of testing tools to maintain efficiency
1. Test Automation as a Service

2. Tool Framework and Platform

3. Script Maintenance

4. Custom Executions:
Tailored for version upgrades, custom implementations,
and periodic regression

5. End-to-End Automation:
Covering 50+ scenarios

6. Cross-Browser Executions:
Across Chrome, Firefox, and
IE browsers
7. Dependency Elimination:
Removing reliance on
resources and technical
expertise for test executions
1. 55% Savings in Initial Suite Automation

2. 70% Maintenance Cost

3. 90% Reduction in
Testing Cycle
Release:Decreasing from
22 to 2 days.

4. 100% Reduction in
CAPEX Costs.

5. Streamlined Processes for updating scripts, executing tests,
and publishing results for key